This is the process for selling your tours through if you're an adventure-riding tour operator.
1: Register or login
Go to and create an account or log in with a Google or Facebook ID.

2: Create your operator profile
Click the button "Add Tour Operator Profile." You will likely have only one, but you can create multiple if you manage multiple brands.
Title, state, and logo are mandatory, but you can add other details. Please read and agree to the operator's terms and conditions, including our commission rate references. This allows us the budget to promote tours.

You can edit these details anytime.
A list of your profiles will now give you access to add tours.
3: Create a Tour
Click on the "Your Tours" button. This page will list all your tours and their current status, including their capacity.
Click the "Add Tour" button. This page allows you to add and manage most tour details. If there are fields you think all operators would benefit from having, suggestions or feedback are welcome.
The event's capacity is managed within this system, and the remaining capacity will automatically decrease with sales. You can update this anytime when the event capacity changes externally. Once it reaches zero, the event is automatically flagged as Sold Out, and further ticket sales will stop. You can also manually flag it as Sold Out at any time.
Select Search Criteria items that best suit your tour. It doesn't need to be exact; this is how people filter and search for events. For example, most events are Intermediate experiences. You can still choose Beginner if the event is aimed at those new to ADV riding or opt for Experienced to minimise the chances of someone slowing down the tour.

There is an explanation for each field on the page.
Click Save at the bottom of the page to begin uploading your images and saving the tour.
This will now give you a list of your tours, including the booking URL, which you can share to take bookings via

4: Add Options

If your tour has options that change the ticket price, such as bike hire or accommodation options, you can add them by clicking "Edit Tour Price Options".
You can add multiple Options here, each with various Values. The booking page will display a dropdown list for each Option, and the Values are in the dropdown list.
The Option Value can be positive or negative, and it will add or subtract from the total tour price. Each option value can be allocated a capacity or flagged as "No capacity."
For example, suppose you offer bike hire and a DRZ400 for an extra $600, but you only have four DRZs. Customers selecting this option will be charged an additional $600 on their ticket while the system reduces the capacity of that option, similar to the tour. Once the capacity is exhausted, pun intended, the option is disabled.
You can then select one of the values as the Default for this option. Since the option will display, you must include a non-option, for example, "No bike hire" at zero value. This will typically be the default.

If you have any questions, just drop us an email at or contact me.
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